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  • Aten KA7174 - KVM Adapter Module with USB, PS/2, and RS-232 - Switch

Aten KA7174 - KVM Adapter Module With USB, PS/2, And RS-232 - Switch

Update Terakhir
09 / 02 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


PT.VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengandaan alat-alat telekomunikasi, Networking dan jasa instalasi. Perusahaan kami banyak menangani perusahaan, perkantoran, hotel dan menjalin kerjasama dengan kontraktor. Adapun produk yang kami tawarkan adalah: - SERVER HP, IBM, ASUS, FUJITSU dan DELL.

Detail Aten KA7174 - KVM Adapter Module With USB, PS/2, And RS-232 - Switch

PT. VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah Master Dealer untuk Produk ATEN dgn item barang sbb :

- Profesional Audio Dan Video
- Power Distribution & Racks
- USB Solutions
- Serial Connectivity
- Cables
- Accessories .

Spesifikasi Aten KA7174 - KVM Adapter Module with USB, PS/2, and RS-232 :

- Compatible with ATEN 2XRT-0015G KVM over IP Access Control Box to initiate local-only access and control to the servers
- Supports computers with PS/2 and USB keyboards and mice, controlling the system from these extended devices and monitor via local console
- Supports custom RS-232 touch panel from both local and remote sites
- Pushbutton operating mode selection for privileged console control with OSD tag notifications indicating denial of access to the local or remote users when configured as such .

Untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik , di mohon untuk menghubungi sales kami.

HARGA NEGO.............................................................


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