Detail Austin Hughes InfraSolution X800 - X-2000 Enhanced Versio -Rack Server
PT. Visindo Global Teknologi adalah Master Dealer untuk Produk Austin Hughes seperti InfraSolution X800 - Control Box Controller - X-2000 Enhanced version dengan spesifikasi sbb :
- Tipe : X-2000 Enhanced version .
1. X-1000 Control Box - AUSTIN HUGHES InfrasolutionX Basic Version :
Management Area :
~ Cabinet Door Access
Quantity of InfraBox in a single daisy chain = 50 unit
Total distance in 1 single daisy chain = 100M
2. X-2000 Control Box - AUSTIN HUGHES InfrasolutionX Enhanced Version (with multi-function module) :
Management Areas :
~ Cabinet Door Access
~ Environmental sensor
~ PDU (Power Distribution Unit)
~ Fan Cabinet
Quantity of InfraBox in a single daisy chain = 50 unit
Total distance in 1 single daisy chain = 100M
Rack level access security has become critically important for all data centers and server rooms. More and more IT managers have recognized this need and upgraded their racks with smartcard access control.
InfraSolution® X 800 series provides data center managers a complete networked solution with monitoring, control, alarm & reporting. It allows rack access remote management - saving traveling time / costs and hence increases the data center operation efficiency.
X-800 handle is designed for the global IT branded rack. Its Universal Mounting Cut-out generally allows easy integration with most third party racks so costly & complicated door customization is not required.
We offer InfraSolution® X Manager for software remote management. Besides, InfraSolution® X also supports SNMP for integration to the existing BMS of data center. Users can use their own platform for a centralized management.
InfraSolution® X caters for the 2 most common Smartcard alternatives - Proximity & MiFARE format. The users can keep using their existing smartcard to apply on the rack access system if their smartcards are in either format as above.
Functionality is not limited to rack access management. In addition to rack access control, InfraSolution® X can be further expanded to PDU and environmental management. Users can remotely manage the above devices via the InfraSolution® X Manager .
The managing capacity of InfraSolution® X is expandable to a maximum of 3,000 racks. And the InfraSolution® X GUI allows up to 100 concurrent client access to remotely manage the smartcard locking handles.
InfraSolution® X provides the scalable flexibility to the data center projects, especially to the project with several phases.
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