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Cambium Networks EPMP 2000 Smart Antenna - Antena

Update Terakhir
09 / 02 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


PT.VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengandaan alat-alat telekomunikasi, Networking dan jasa instalasi. Perusahaan kami banyak menangani perusahaan, perkantoran, hotel dan menjalin kerjasama dengan kontraktor. Adapun produk yang kami tawarkan adalah: - SERVER HP, IBM, ASUS, FUJITSU dan DELL.

Detail Cambium Networks EPMP 2000 Smart Antenna - Antena

PT. Visindo Global Teknologi adalah Master Dealer untuk Produk Cambium Networks seperti :

- Antennas
- Wifi
- Backhul
- ePMP
- Switches .

Spesifikasi Cambium Networks ePMP 2000 Smart Antenna :

ePMP has set the standard for high performace, scalability, and reliability in harsh interference environments all at a compelling price. ePMP 2000 is the next-generation Access Point bringing interference tolerance to a whole new level with unique Hypure™ technology, which combines Intelligent Filtering and Smart Beamforming to deliver new levels of performance in the face of interference.

ePMP has set the standard for high performace, scalability, and reliability in harsh interference environments all at a compelling price. ePMP 2000 is the next-generation Access Point bringing interference tolerance to a whole new level with unique Hypure™ technology, which combines Intelligent Filtering and Smart Beamforming to deliver new levels of performance in the face of interference.

The ePMP 2000 System consists of a high-performance, GPS-Synchronized Access Point (AP) Radio with Intelligent Filtering, a new compact high-performance Sector Antenna, and an optional Smart Antenna.

Intelligent Filtering improves both receive and transmit performance. It protects the network from off-channel interferers with a filter that dynamically moves around the channel. On the transmit side, it protects the RF environment by reducing off-channel transmission noise.

Smart Beamforming drastically reduces the effects of on-channel interference. The System learns the locations of each served Subscriber Module (SM) and forms a narrow beam toward the desired SM while that radio is transmitting in the uplink. This reduces the gain on the uplinkfor on-channel interferers that are transmitting at an azimuth angle different from the SM, delivering performance gains never before seen

Key Advantages of the ePMP 2000 Smart Antenna :

Eliminate Uplink Interference: Smart Beamforming delivers dramatic performance improvements when dealing with strong co-channel uplink interference, maximizing network performance.

Consistent Performance in High Interference: By mitigating significant sources of interference, packet loss and retransmissions are kept to a minimum, keping your network applications working at their best.

Improvement in Uplink and Downlink Performance: By eliminating packet loss and retransmissions resulting from co-channel uplink interference, TCP retransmissions are greatly reduced. Other applications also show significant performance benefits.

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HARGA NEGO.............................................................


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