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Hanhwa Vision Access Control X300 Expansion Output Module

Update Terakhir
31 / 01 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


PT.VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengandaan alat-alat telekomunikasi, Networking dan jasa instalasi. Perusahaan kami banyak menangani perusahaan, perkantoran, hotel dan menjalin kerjasama dengan kontraktor. Adapun produk yang kami tawarkan adalah: - SERVER HP, IBM, ASUS, FUJITSU dan DELL.

Detail Hanhwa Vision Access Control X300 Expansion Output Module

PT. Visindo Global Teknologi adalah Master Dealer untuk Produk Hanwha Vision seperti Access Control X300 Expansion Output Module dengan spesifikasi sbb :

Key Features :
• Custom Rules Processing
- Use X200 in conjunction with custom rules engine on
X1100 to create elaborate rules for handling input states
• Lift Control
- Use in conjunction with X1100 elevator processing
engine to control lift floor access
- When used with multiple X300 module
will support 128 floors.
• Elevator Control
- Use in conjunction with X1100 elevator processing
engine to control elevator floor access
• VertX V300 Replacement
• IO Module Encryption
- Enhance security between intelligent controller and
IO modules with 256 AES encryption

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HARGA NEGO.............................................................


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