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Honeywell Voyager 1250g General Duty Scanner

Update Terakhir
13 / 02 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


PT.VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengandaan alat-alat telekomunikasi, Networking dan jasa instalasi. Perusahaan kami banyak menangani perusahaan, perkantoran, hotel dan menjalin kerjasama dengan kontraktor. Adapun produk yang kami tawarkan adalah: - SERVER HP, IBM, ASUS, FUJITSU dan DELL.

Detail Honeywell Voyager 1250g General Duty Scanner

PT. Visindo Global Teknologi adalah Master Dealer untuk Produk Honeywell seperti :

- Barcode Printer
- Barcode Scanner
- Mobile Printer
- Mobile Computer
- Industrial Printer
- CCTV & Video Systems

Spesifikasi Honeywell Voyager 1250g General Duty Scanner :

Extend your scanning range with the Voyager™: 1250g single-line laser barcode scanner. It aggressively reads linear barcodes up to 58.4 cm (23 in) away, making the job more comfortable and productive for your team. And the scanner is quick to switch to hands-free scanning with the included stand.

- Automatic Interface Detection: Supports all popular interfaces in one device, replacing the time consuming process of scanning programming bar codes with automatic interface detection and configuration.

- Extended Depth of Field: Scans out-of-reach items with ease and allows users to scan 13 mil bar codes from as far away as 17.6 inches (447 mm).

- Remote MasterMindTM Ready: Reduces total cost of ownership by providing a turnkey remote device management solution that easily manages and tracks usage of installed devices.

- Ergonomic Design: Fits comfortably in most hands, reducing user fatigue in scan-intensive applications.

- Superior Out-of-Box Experience: Simpli es set up with quick and easy stand assembly: automatic in-stand detection and configuration: increases throughput with true object detection.

- CodeGate®: Technology: Enables users to ensure that the desired bar code is scanned before transmitting data, making the scanner ideal for use in menu scanning applications.
The Voyager 1250g single-line laser scanner combines the Voyager series’: proven performance with extended depth of field to make scanning out-of-reach items a breeze.The ability to read barcodes up to 58.4 cm (23 in) away will make the job much more comfortable for your workers –: for example, when your cashiers reach to scan larger items left in shopping carts, and your inventory takers scan products stored high atop shelves.

The 1250g scanner is easy to use and efficient, so your team can be at its best. It’:s optimized to scan linear barcodes fast –: even poorly printed and damaged codes. That’:s important because it minimizes the need for manual data entry. And that leads to increased productivity and fewer errors.Speaking of productivity, the 1250g scanner’:s stand lets you take advantage of hands-free scanning for those applications that benefit from being able to use both hands.We’:ve also made installation quick and plug-and-play easy. Simply plug the device’:s cable into your host system and the 1250g scanner will automatically configure itself to the appropriate interface. No programming barcodes to scan. No hassle.

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