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RUCKUS ICX Core Switches

Update Terakhir
11 / 02 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


PT.VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengandaan alat-alat telekomunikasi, Networking dan jasa instalasi. Perusahaan kami banyak menangani perusahaan, perkantoran, hotel dan menjalin kerjasama dengan kontraktor. Adapun produk yang kami tawarkan adalah: - SERVER HP, IBM, ASUS, FUJITSU dan DELL.

Detail RUCKUS ICX Core Switches

PT. VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah Master Dealer untuk produk RUCKUS dengan item barang sbb :

- Wireless Access Points
- Ethernet Switches
- Edge Systems
- IoT Networking Systems
- Network Access & Policy
- Service Assurance and Business Intelligence
- Network Reporting
- Optical Transceivers
- Accessories

- Cloud-managed Systems
- Network Controllers
- WLAN Controllers
- Controller-less Systems
- Data Plane
- Network Monitoring .

Spesifikasi RUCKUS ICX Core Switches :

Traditional enterprise networks were architected to utilize chassis systems to deliver reliable, high-speed, and scalable routing capabilities to the campus. With recent advances in network processors, these capabilities can be packaged into a more flexible stackable switch design. This opens the door to new network architectures where the core can be distributed across the campus—deploying ports and switching capacity directly where they are needed.

RUCKUS core switches are designed to meet the most demanding enterprise requirements. They deliver non-blocking line-rate performance on all ports concurrently, with a switching capacity up to 6.4 Tbps—supporting next-generation Ethernet speeds with 10/25 Gigabit Ethernet at the aggregation and 40/100 Gigabit Ethernet to meet the high volume of traffic driving from the edge into the core. They also support a rich array of routing protocols and deliver a range of high-availability hardware and software features .

Untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik , di mohon untuk menghubungi sales kami.

HARGA NEGO.............................................................


Mangga Dua Square Lt. 2 Blok B No. 010 - 012
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 1
Jakarta Utara

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