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SYNOLOGY Expansion Unit RX1222sas - NAS Storage

Update Terakhir
22 / 02 / 2025
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


PT.VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengandaan alat-alat telekomunikasi, Networking dan jasa instalasi. Perusahaan kami banyak menangani perusahaan, perkantoran, hotel dan menjalin kerjasama dengan kontraktor. Adapun produk yang kami tawarkan adalah: - SERVER HP, IBM, ASUS, FUJITSU dan DELL.

Detail SYNOLOGY Expansion Unit RX1222sas - NAS Storage

PT. VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah Master Dealer untuk Produk SYNOLOGY seperti Expansion Unit RX1222sas dengan spesifikasi sbb :

Plug-and-play capacity expansion for Synology servers

Accommodate massive storage growth
Expand your Synology rackmount SAS storage 12 bays at a time, for up to 84 additional 3.5"/2.5" SAS/SATA drives with a maximum of seven Synology RX1222sas expansion units. Add volumes when and where needed without interrupting services, thanks to Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM)’s online volume expansion and powerful volume management options.

- Easy setup and management
Connect the RX1222sas through the included expansion cable and start managing the additional storage in minutes with Storage Manager and other intuitive tools in Synology DSM. Online volume expansion enables you to add a new volume or expand RAID volumes without reformatting drives.

- Built with service uptime in mind
RX1222sas’s hot-swappable drive trays, fans, and power supplies reduce the impact of maintenance on service availability, while the redundant power supply units keep your system online even in case one power source fails.

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