Detail SYNOLOGY RackStation RS2423RP+/RS2423+ - NAS Storage
PT. VISINDO GLOBAL TEKNOLOGI adalah Master Dealer untuk Produk SYNOLOGY seperti RackStation RS2423RP+/RS2423+ dengan spesifikasi sbb :
Efficient storage for centralized data management
Secure storage for your business
- Business-ready :
Over 3,500/1,700 MB/s seq. read/write, built-in 10GbE, and up to 240 TB raw storage before expansion.
- Flexible configuration :
Add 12 extra drive bays, 1/10/25GbE ports, and SSD cache volumes whenever needed.
- Versatile applications :
Back up 300 endpoints, manage 50 IP cameras, or safely sync and share files between devices and sites.
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HARGA NEGO.............................................................
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Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 1
Jakarta Utara
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