Detail Zebra Card Printer ZXP Series 9
PT. Visindo Global Teknologi adalah Master Dealer untuk Produk Zebra seperti Card Printer ZXP Series 9 dengan spesifikasi sbb :
Pairing Outstanding Print Quality with Fast Print Speeds
Extending Zebra’s line of card printers, the ZXP Series 9™ is a retransfer card printer specifically engineered for high-security applications. With industry-leading throughput enabling you to print more cards faster and with outstanding quality. Take control with the printer’s user-selectable print quality mode, allowing you to optimize for print speed or sharpen print quality. And, the dual-sided, simultaneous retransfer process provides best-in-class printing, encoding and laminating throughput.
Printing :
- Dye diffusion retransfer
- Full color or monochrome retransfer printing
- Single- and dual-sided printing
- Max Print Speed Single-Side*: 180 cph (with 300 dpi)
- Max Print Speed Dual-Sided*: 190 cph (with 300 dpi)
- Photo-quality images
- Over-the-edge printing on standard CR80 media
Standard Features :
- USB and Ethernet connectivity
- Single-card feed capability
- 150 card capacity feeder (30 mil)
- 15 card capacity reject hopper (30 mil)
- 100 card capacity output hopper (30 mil)
- i Series™ intelligent media technology
- Auto-calibration of media
- 21-character, 6 line LCD operator display
- Print Resolution: printers available with 300 dpi
- 2GB memory standard
- Lifetime warranty on printhead
- 2-year limited warranty on printer
- Microsoft® Windows certified drivers.
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Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 1 Jakarta Utara
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